Sunday, July 24, 2011

Coffee's Secret Friend- Godiva Chocolate


This week's posts will be dedicated to two wonderful friends.   Coffee and Chocolate.

I recently was given trial samples of Godiva Chocolate's new flavored coffees. I have been inspired. So inspired that I have decided to have a week full of chocolate and coffee paired recipes. There will be give-aways too!

More on the actual product in a second.

First I want to let you in on a little baking secret. Chocolate and coffee, are the best of friends. In my opinion, coffee like is that friend that friend you had in middle school, you know the one, your wing man. She tried out for debate team with you, the first you called when you got your first zit, and together, you were a power house. Alone? pretty ok, but together, nothing could stop you. Add a wee bit of espresso to any chocolate mixture and suddenly you are a rock star

Earlier this week I got a package in the mail. I was immediately excited as I hardly ever get anything in the mail but bills. My husband is usually the special one with lots of packages.. two other best friends. Hubby and Ebay.

When I opened the box, it was this adorable red box, and the Whoosh, the aroma was unbelievable.. Chocolate, vanilla, coffee? Yes, it was my free trials. Chocolate Truffle flavored coffee and French Vanilla. Rick and I would have tried a cup right then and there but it was already 8pm.. Ok fine, the morning it is.

I pause for a second, as this is an important part of the story, hubby, NEVER has flavored coffee. Its as if it's a bad word or something. He drinks it black and strong..  However, he is also a huge chocolate fan, so in the interest of addiction, and support of my blogging endeavors, he was willing to give it a whirl.

The next morning, the Chocolate Truffle was opened a brewed while I was corralling my cats kids.
I could smell the aroma of chocolate wafting through the second floor and I yelled down to confirm it was Godiva waking me up with such a wonderful alarm.

Rick asked me to try it straight first, before I added my fixins'. I made a face, as the thought of not adding sugar and cream was deadly to me.
But he was right, in all fairness, if I was to review, I had to go pure first.. Sip, mmm. not bad. Yummy in fact.

Now, coffee is a personal taste. People have made hobby out of ordering it just the way they like. I personally like it with a few fixins. Rick, likes it straight. So I proceed to make my hurry up out the door ice coffee. Little ice, two cups, toss it back and forth to cool off (read below for the proper way to make ice coffee). Some sugar, some cream and I am out the door.

I wait till I am on my commuter train before I start drinking. I wanted to make sure it was nice and cold. Sip, wow.. coffee, chocolate heaven. I pull out my smartphone to check out what's going on with my Facebook fans and I see that Rick has already posted something about how good the coffee was. YES, mister, no flavored coffee for me. But, he was right. yummy. chocolaty and not that usually artificially flavored after taste. I would love to know if there is real chocolate in it.

We went through a half bag before the weekend came. By then I had so many ideas on what to make with my iced coffee mixture, I decided to make a few things and make this week coffee and chocolate week.
We will get to the French Vanilla eventually, but for now, chocolate is the winner..
I have a few recipes ramped up. Check back often to see the recipes.

  • Iced Coffee-101
  • Ice coffee ice cream
  • Coffee ice cream pie with chocolate cookie crumb
  • Rich chocolate Cake with the secret ingredient- you guess it. Coffee.

Ice Coffee- 101
Makes 8 cups of coffee/ 6 cups Iced Coffee

  • Select favorite ground coffee
  • Add 16 tablespoons of coffee to pot/filter/repository
  • Add 8 cups of filtered water
  • Brew as usual.
  • Let coffee cool a bit, and then pour into air tight container. One that pours is best. if you like sugar in your coffee, now would be a good time to add. Adding regular sugar/sweetener to cold coffee is a challenge. It does not dissolve well. 
  • Let cool in refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight.
To drink:

  • fill glass full of ice, pour desired amount of iced brewed coffee into glass, add simple syrup or sugar to drink. Add cream as desired.**remember to watch the cream go in.. Truly a work of art..

Keep checking back this week for more coffee recipes and giveaways for Godiva Flavored Coffees... let me know what you think or would like to try.

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